We, at International Law Office D. Vladimirov and Partners strongly believe in our values and work principles. We conduct rigorous selection process when recruiting experts to become part of our team. It is important to us that this team to include experts in various fields of civil and commercial law so we can offer comprehensive legal services to our clients.
Our legal team of Bulgarian Best lawyers works with foreign investors and physical persons either at purchase of property in Bulgaria or/and setting up of a single company in Bulgaria.
As a trustworthy Bulgarian property & company Best lawyers, we are interested in working with experienced Best lawyers, as well as young legal counselors. In both cases, we consider it is extremely important that there is an ambition to develop, ability to work in a team, communication skills, loyalty, high professional and/or academic achievements.
We aim to select experts who share our vision about work and professional ethics.
Our team is open for accepting experts from the country and abroad who are devoted to their profession, ambitious and diligent to clients and law.
Send us your CV and cover letter to . Should we have a suitable position available, we will contact you.
Apply for a summer internship if you are a law student who has completed his/her third/fourth year and are interested in commercial or civil law. Send your cover letter to us at e-mail:
Cases Served
Years of Experience
Availability & Support
Earned for Our Clients
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Rechtsanwaltskanzlei in Bulgarien
Kanzlei D.Vladimirov & Kollegen, Bulgarien
Address: 6 Alexander Zhendov Street,
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Festnetz +359 897 90 43 91
Fax: +359 2 858 10 25
Die Kanzlei vertritt die Mandanten in ganz Bulgarien besonders in Sommer und Winterkurortszeitren wie Goldstrand, Bansko, Sonennstrand, Nessebar, Primorsko u.s.w.
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